Thursday, July 2, 2009

Fun with the cousins


Nick's sister Chris and her kids George and Ioanna arrived in Tampa last week.  They are here for two months.  Alexandra has been having a blast with them already.  Ioanna loves dressing up as a princess so of course Alexandra had to have her own princess outfit, which she just loves wearing!   Ioanna brought her princess pjs as well that match hers.  They are the cutest pjs I have ever seen.  If the princesses weren't on them I would wear it in my size as a dress! 

My Johnnycakes is doing good.  Still talks and smiles all the time.  I have uploaded a few random videos of him being his cute, silly self.  He is now 5 months old. Where does the time go! 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I bet they suck dick well